About The School
In recent years, Natural Language Processing has established itself as an interdisciplinary field of study whose objective is to identify the mechanisms that allow computers to process, manipulate, and even understand human language in all its dimensions and modalities: written, spoken, signed, etc; be it explicitly, as textual language would be, or implicit in the case of communication of feelings or writing styles. We already enjoy several advances from the field today: things such as internet searches, content recommendations, voice recognition, and automatic translation between languages.
The school’s objective is to bring participants closer to natural language processing, national research, and to discuss the field’s future at the national and international level. To accomplish this, the school consists of introductory workshops, research talks, and panel discussions.
Registration opens soon. Stay tuned to our social networks to avoid missing out on this year’s edition.
The School’s History
This will be the sixth edition of the Natural Language Processing summer/fall school, and organized by members of RedTTL de CONACYT and AMPLN. The first and second editions of the school were at the Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in 2015 and 2016, the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) unidad Cuajimalpa in 2018, the Centro de Investigación en Computación from the Instituto Politécnico Nacional in 2019, and held virtually (for the first time) in 2020 by the Instituto de Investigaciones en Matemáticas Aplicadas y en Sistemas (IIMAS).
Previous Editions:
- 2018 Taller Internacional de Lingüística Computacional: Hacia el análisis profundo de documentos digitales
- 2019 Taller de análisis profundo de Documentos Digitales 2.0
- 2020 Procesamiento de Lenguaje Natural, Escuela de Verano 2020
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